Sophie and Stephen Bridges
Sophie and Stephen Bridges have lived on their 350 acre farm in North Yorkshire since 2012. They manage a beef and sheep enterprise consisting of 150 Aberdeen Angus cows and 250 sheep.
“Scour has been a big problem for us in previous years and has been distressing to manage, as no one wants to see their young-stock suffer. The man-hours and financial burden of scour can be hugely frustrating.
“Last year scour was a big problem for us, and we used antibiotics alongside Rehydion for the digestive support of scour, while continuing to feed calves milk. This year our herd health plan has approached scour from a completely different angle and it hasn’t been as big an issue. If a calf scours, we now just use Rehydion with milk and put them in calf jackets to help convert energy into growth rather than warmth.
“We happened to chance on Rehydion by accident, but now we love it as we found it not only effective, with calves recovering from scour much quicker, but also easy to administer. There used to be an awful smell of scour in our calving shed, which we’re delighted to say isn’t there anymore. We are also financially better off, as we’re not using antibiotics.
“I would urge farmers to use Rehydion in scouring calves, while continuing to feed them milk. Rehydion is wonderful and we haven’t looked back; I always have a box of it on the farm and I also use it on our cows.”